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Tried to install cat on Windows. Failed, instruction unclear.
My female cat sits on a window I put on the floor while doing DIY.
is this a Schrödinger's cat experiment variant? A polarized cat? Entangled? #quantumphysics
Wait. It seems installed correctly. Maybe just a PATH issue? ;)
I think it can "work" on that!
did you try to summon root?
It looks more like that cat has installed itself onto Windows. And that you'll need to pay a ransom to remove it.
... needs the mouse?
as far as I can see, the cat is located on window, is fully functional, and is ready for action :ablobcathappypaws:
Didn't get the humor 🤔
I feel your pain.
I have the same problem painting a cat on canvas.
It’s a messy story.
Need to have a mouse!
But in each unix/linux 'cat' is installed by default! Use *nix platforms - they are feline friendly!
That looks like the default install to me: I fits, I sits.
Clear. Cat is a Linux command
Have you clicking on it with the mouse?
I think the cat is trying to use the backdoor but Windows is too heavy for its paws.
😻 😹 😹 😽 😽 😽
thank goodness for WSL
using cat on a single taget is abuse anyway!
Windows have a subsystem for your cat
lol. On a more serious note though, you might be more successful with gat:
Well, it works, cat.exe does not seem to generate errors.
Try installing Tomcat on Ubuntu
I’d say it seems you did a great job & that the installation was successful. I just wonder what features this Cat app has…
seems quite properly installed, maybe try installing tree next?
it ist difficult to work with windows.
In this case you have to remove the glass an put some cat litter inbetween the frame. Then the cat knows how to work with windows.
have you tried deactivating and then reactivating your cat?
Looks like it went as it should?
failed? I'm pretty sure cat is on Window ;)
once you have cat working, try piping the output of cat through sed.
looks like it failed successfully to me. 😂
As window admin, you must first do in the window, ctrl+alt+del 😄
that's because cat is a Linux command. 😉
You have a version issue. Try cat 5 or 6.
Could be worse. Installing Windows in cat will get you shredded.
I see a window with an installed cat, looks like success to me. Or did you expect cat to do something besides napping?
Looks perfectly successful - what did you expect?
maybe, you should try it again with some chocolate 😁

How about VLC?

Still remember this time I was looking out the window at the place I worked and was watching someone use a traffic cone to try and scrape the ice off their windshield.

My coworker just mumbled "that's not how you install VLC on windows" to himself as he walked by looking and nobody will ever tell a better joke than that.