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🎵 Enter Sandman + Take A Chance On Me: 😍

#music #mashup #abba #metallica #comic #krita #meme

A comic in three panels. The art style is simplified characters made with big blobs of digital painting. 

Panel 1: a character smiles and holds two 'sphere' with a music note in both. One sphere is fluffy, with hearts and bunny ears. The other one is metalic, dark and with spikes. The panel has text: "My music taste" and "also my music taste" pointing to both the sphere. 

Panel 2: In a effort, the characters merge the two spheres. The fusion is difficult. 

Panel 3: The character is in love under warm ambiance with the result: a single sphere with both bunny ears and metalic spikes. 

License: CC-By
Don't forget to put the music in loop!!!
ce style de mashups sont souvent de grosses réussites.
J'ai un gros faible pour les covers improbables aussi perso.
Plus ça s'éloigne du genre initial, plus ça caresse mes oreilles dans le sens du pwal.

@Kitishin Oui. Celui là reste très "Abba" (et ça vient d'un album 'Tribute to Abba" donc normale).

J'ai aussi beaucoup aimé le Oops I Did It Again! de Children Of Bodom

need you tonight de welshly arms.
Ce truc pue le stupre.
(Et les reprises de Britney sont souvent des bangers oui, j'ai pas mal de toxic dans ma playlist dédiée :3 )
This is certainly not the first mashup I've heard with Enter Sandman, but definitely the best! Hoooly crap!
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
@fell 😊 Same. I like how it starts 100% Enter Sandman and then switches to chords very bright and colorful. :blobaww:
I really-really don't know what to think about it :ageblobcat:

Never has the phrase "wtf did I just listen to?" been more appropriate.

Also "why did I listen to it twice?" and "why am I now listening to this "?

@BonehouseWasps Hehe, yes there is more song like this from the same band: I listened all last week their full "Tribute to Abba" album. Funny mashups 😺
@rick Oh! Your instance has a headbanging emoticon! Lucky you!
I'd love to say I'm impressed, but I've seen it all:
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
@wintercoziness 🤣 🤣 🤣 The contrast with Babymetal is too high! 😮
also known as "how to break Spotify".
>fluffy and dark
So, fusing them together is basically The Birthday Massacre?
@camedei456 Oh, I just listened only to "One" (first one that appeared by my search engine with looking for Birthday Massacre) and it sounds very good. I'll explore more. Thanks!​ brilliant 😆 love it
and your image is a perfect description. I like how the resulting bubble is so much prettier than the seperated ones.


Now, if I could find a Death Metal cover of Johan Strauss' "An der schönen Blauen Donau"… I need this, for reasons.

When metal meets kpop -> Dreamcatcher 💜🖤
Lovely art :shibahearteyes:
@Petit_Lutin Je conaissais pas Dreamcatcher, j'ai commencé avec le clip de "Maison" et ça m'intrigue, je vais continuer à écouter. Merci pour la piste 😀

Hihi :shibalaugh: :blobcheerbounce:
Leurs singles sont "Vision", "PIRI", et la trilogie "Scream", "BOCA" et "Odd Eye" (dans cet ordre).

Partager ma passion pour Dreamcatcher : check !

@oliver_schafeld 🤣 🤣 🤣 Haha, good pun.

Btw and a propos, I liked the studio album "Patient number 9" from Ozzy Osbourne; it played almost three time during an evening with friends in background. I'll have to get it.

THERION - Summer Night City
@etam Thanks! I'm not familiar with the original song covered (I read in the comment it was a cover) I don't think the song was popular in France. But I'm familiar with Therion as a band; I don't think I listened to a full a album of them, but their name is definitely familiar.

For a long time I didn't know it was a cover at all. (btw, here's the original:

And with Therion I'm quite a big fan. My favorite album is "Secret of the Runes". I highly recommend listening it whole.

@etam Thank you for the recommandation! I'll check it.

Oh weird the original is an Abba song I don't know. That makes me really realise all I know from them is on their Best-of and I have no idea of what are they deeper track. Something to check also. 😺


@022Y Hey Ozzy, your welcome.
Don't forget to verify your account, , the procedure should be easy for your webmaster of , less than a 2 min work.

Without that, it's more probable any Ozzy account on the Fediverse (including your right now) is a fan made, or worst an impersonator.

If you need assistance, I'll be happy to help 😀


@022Y 😉 Hehe, I was 80% sure about that. But a little 20% of hope made me answer the safe way ☺️
