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My W̶o̶r̶k̶S̶t̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ CatStation 4.0


A photo, a bit top down, of my desk with four cats sleeping around it. Visible: mangas, a dual screen monitor, a sofa, scanner.
Wow, two screens, someone without knowing would say you're a windows user, oh, if only they knew
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Cats, cats everywhere! XD
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
now, are four of them 😂. You need to create friends for carrot, and make one publication something like "The Carrot's Friends".
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Jolie collection derrière!
Même si à part cat's eyes et Pepper et Carrot j'arrive pas à lire les titres 😋
@Xalofar Merci! Alors bravo pour Cats Eyes à cette distance ! Il y a les dr Slump, Fly (Dragon quest Dai quest), City Hunter, Family Compo, Gunm, Sous un Rayon de Soleil, L'habitant de l'infini. Ca c'est ceux que je guarde a porté de main, le reste est plus loin dans d'autre pièces. 😺

Ah donc Family compo j'avions bien lu mais ne connaissant pas…

Et bien agrandie, les lettres étaient assez grosses

@Xalofar C'est mon Manga favori. Même auteur que Cats Eyes et City Hunter, avec comme thème une famille trans et la question du genre. Très humoristique et touchant.
How many cats do you have? That’s a CatOffice not a CatStation XD
@orbitalmartian Four! I think I'm recreating a "Neko Cafe" at home.
Man, this just looks so inviting! Great job on creating such an awesome space.
Of course. I'm secretly jealous of folks who have this skill. 😃
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
i see a lot of catpads but no mousepad
We can't see it on the photo but both screen are full of terminals with the cat command running...
They aren’t sitting on your keyboard? I’m impressed.
Desktop, mouseless!
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Nice start, but you need a big water glass for them, and of course, more (and more comfy) catpacity.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
How DID you do that strikeout? 🙂

Oh wow, at first I thought it was just one cat.. but I count four?
But yes I think that's a perrrfect setup.


I had a pair of Bengals once, a silver male and a brown female. Unfortunately, we lost him (at age 16) two years ago, but his sister (soon to be 17) is still singing us the song of their people every morning at 5 AM. The two in the foreground look so much like them.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
If you have something not succeed, it means you have too few cats.
the longer I look at this, the more cats I see
goals. But with dogs 😀
@andresbravo2003 Yes, even three with the display tablet 🙂