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I'll go live for CreativeFreedomSummit in 30 minutes! (8:30am EST, 19 January)
Krita painting demo, commented, 50min. I hope to see you there.

[edit] Done!
The replay is already available here:

#CreativeFreedomSummit #krita #matrix
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
Is there any chance there will be a recording? I am trying to watch, but people keep expecting me to do my job ๐Ÿ˜‚
Hey! Totally understand. Yes, the video will be uploaded (very soon) here:

It's already uploaded! WOW!
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
The previous talks and demonstrations were recorded and published on the Peertube channel, so I assume it will be the same for this one ๐Ÿ˜€


Yes, it's here ๐Ÿ™‚ The team is super quick :
Merci! It was a great demo!
Watched the replay on Peertube. You are a wonderful presenter and teacher! :artaww:

I have been using Krita as a very basic drawing tool and learned *a lot* from your demo. Thank you for being so generous with your time, good humor, energy, and knowledge!
@ratfactor Thanks for the feedback! ๐Ÿ˜
I watched the replay. Awesome job! You explained things so well, I don't how you were able to do that and paint at the same time.
I saw this comment in the chat backlog (I was watching the stream on a TV without chat) andI have to repeat it here: You are Bob FOSS! ๐Ÿ˜„ You have a wonderfully engaging yet calm way of talking through your amazing creations, it's so inspiring! Thank you for your wonderful presentation!
@mairin Thanks!

Bob FOSS ๐Ÿคฃ I love it! โค๏ธ

Thank you again for your work in this first edition of the Creative Freedom Summit.

I also realized while watching Madeline's talk about wallpaper of Fedora, my first contact with the distro was in 2011 with your wallpaper: ๐Ÿ‘

This morning, I'll continue to watch the talks I missed while painting.

Thanks to the team too if you can relay: bravo for the recording audio/video quality and quick availability of the replay. ๐Ÿ‘
@mairin Merci David. I enjoyed your talk a lot. It's quite a testament to Krita being at home for you that you can answer unrelated questions while still painting. Inspiring.
your lessons are the best! Krista is a treasure.