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✨ Happy New Year 2024.
With this illustration, I would like to wish you a calm and peaceful New Year.

#krita #ArtWithOpenSource #MastoArt

A fantasy landscape digital painting illustration built around the letter of 2024. The setting is in a deep forest. Two trees are shapes like the 2, the 0 is a hollow trunk with a mini book library in it, the 4 is a structure to do fishing on the pond in foreground. The ambiant is calm and relaxing.

License: CC-By
Is it bin day already?
Thank you so much. And those wishes are so very appropriate... 💖
The illustration looks amazing and Happy New Year to you too.
Bonne année @davidrevoy 🤗
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
your illustrations bring an element of calm, peace and wonder all on their own. They are delightful. Thank you, David, and wishing you a very Happy 2024!
Je crains que ces voeux de nouvel an ne pèchent par excès d'optimisme.😅
@stemy Oui oui, excès d'optimisme à 100%. :blobcheerbounce:
I would like to live in this ❤ Thanks for sharing 😊
Merci, David! Une Bonne Année à tous les contributeurs/trices de Pepper & Carrot!
Merci David,
je te souhaite de même.
Happy New Year!

Process: (video under)
:cc: :ccby:


Your technique to transform values in colors is amazing and pricise. Mine always give-me strange colors. 😀
@jcbritobr Thanks! Oh yes this step is super delicate and I struggle a lot with it even if it is not super visible on the result. I'm sure if you slowdown frame per frame you'll find all the muddy steps, the one to burnt, un colorbalanced and the real battle 😆 But all in all, recently it's true I more or less know how to manage this step (even by a lot of trial and error). I try to do it before having too many details, so I can still paint-over and adjust/glaze color after.
I like this process. Hope this year I can really learn it. In my paintings I do it all in one layer and looking some color in wheel. At maximum following some gamut masks rules.
was that you working inside the tree trunk?
@bigblen Well observed! It was a tiny Pepper and Carrot 🙂 , but I found the illustration better without them around the end so I removed them.

@bigblen It feels lonely now that I saw them inside then removed.

Nobody near the fishing pole as well. :meowUwuCry:

Praise the free as in freedom and open source software, thanks to them people can develop new skills free of charge and professionals like THIS GUY can make wonders without spending money on the DIRTY SUSCRIPTIONS.

Looks more peaceful than the dragons indeed!

Thanks, and happy new year to you too!

@elzen 😊 Oh yes, 2021, 2022, 2023 had dragons ( ) it was time for a change. 🙂


BTW, I just got the first Pepper & Carrot physical book for my birthday. I'll probably ask you a dedication next time 😉

@elzen :blobcatheart: Oh merci! Et avec plaisir!
Decided that doing last year's as a dragon was a mistake? LOL
@wolfger Haha, true. I decided I could probably start with a bit more optimism this year. My first sketch with ballpoint pen had crows, candle, crystal ball and a old grimoire. But I felt sad only looking at it (photo under), so I probably reacted into the opposite direction 🤣
A ballpoint pen drawing from my sketchbook: a first thumbnail of the 2024 with candle, a crow, a crystal ball and a book on a table.

@David Revoy I was just going to ask!

Your process in the video looked surprisingly linear, so I figured you had some prototype, either in Krita or on paper, that you were working off.

Still cool to see it wasn't entirely figured out, as you started with the small waterfall, changed to P&C and then finally went for the empty library.

I love how much you're sharing of your process and material, always fascinating to see even if I don't paint myself and won't make concrete use of it.

@David Revoy

@clacke Thanks! Yes, 🙂 I like to prototype on my sketchbook; it's a good way to put an idea on paper and see if it is a brainfart or something a bit deeper.
It also helps me to keep focus when I start Krita: I work better with a target. If I don't, I can paint-over and change ideas forever during the first steps 😅 Thanks for noticing all the little changes on the process!
happy New Year 🎊
Thank for this cheerful drawing 🥳
Happy new year! Beautiful work. Thank you also for sharing your process.
Merci ! ✨ Bonne année !, tous mes meilleurs vœux de bonheur !!
That is so pretty 👏 And thank you, same to you 🙂
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
Happy New Year, I just discovered Pepper & Carrot recently, read through it, and I really like it. Keep going!