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❓ Do you use a RSS/Atom/Feed reader and how often?
example of RSS readers: Tiny Tiny RSS, FreshRSS, Feedly...

Please boost to reach a lot of people 😀

#rss #atom #feed #feeddirectory

  • Yes and everyday (58%, 693 votes)
  • Yes but only occasionnaly (16%, 198 votes)
  • No but I'm interested in having one (11%, 131 votes)
  • No (13%, 154 votes)
1176 voters. Poll end: 11 months ago

@Valvin (framapiaf) At the risk of sounding like a broken record, #Friendica has native RSS/Atom support so that you can get your RSS items directly in your social media timeline alongside ActivityPub, Disapora and mail content.