I like the top pose. Whenever I've tried to draw, I stumble often by focusing too much on the details and everything ends up looking wrong, but you always seem to strike a good balance between broad shapes / proportions and details, which is nice to see.
@elzen C'est pas l'envie qui me manque, mais c'est tellement hors de ma portée techniquement (code, animation, creation des assets...) Ici, je suis tout juste bon pour faire des previz, du concept art, limite près à bosser sur le scénario de quelques quêtes. Je suis vraiment plus dans le clan 'preprod' que 'prod' 😅
@chromatalis Hey, thanks! You probably already know Loomis's drawing tutorial books, but in case you don't here is a link with all PDF: http://www.alexhays.com/loomis/ , I'm going over the Successful Drawing one often, there is so many info in it about proportions that my brain can grab only 2 or 3 tips at a time and put them into practice. It's often enough to do a difference and improve my next batch of artworks. It's old, but still has good tips for proportions.
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•David Revoy
•Felis Chromatalis
•David Revoy
•You probably already know Loomis's drawing tutorial books, but in case you don't here is a link with all PDF: http://www.alexhays.com/loomis/ , I'm going over the Successful Drawing one often, there is so many info in it about proportions that my brain can grab only 2 or 3 tips at a time and put them into practice. It's often enough to do a difference and improve my next batch of artworks. It's old, but still has good tips for proportions.
Save Loomis!
www.alexhays.comFelis Chromatalis