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@jonn Yeah it blew up. I can actually use it now. Last time I've tried it, it had ten or so active people.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

@person I wouldn't mind the commies and nonces blowing up.

Lemmy is software made by tankies and using it in any capacity is a serious supply chain threat because the **authors** of the software are bad actors.

Why is @davidrevoy promoting it is beyond me.

Maybe because of my ignorance of this aspect of the topic. I only saw the project as yet another fediverse actor, and I have a bias to accept them quickly, and even more when they have a cute mascott.

I tried to browse the thread you link, but I couldn't find evidence/sources/proof of your accusations. Maybe because it is long, and I just browsed. Anyway, the creators on their blog say the accusations are false.

So, I'm cautious here, especially because I don't have information.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

@person and were hosted on the same UP address last year. @feditips caught it:

They still use the same obscure DNS server.

So it goes.

Human rights mean a lot to me. I joined the Fediverse to make the world a nicer place. My efforts are pathetically small, but hopefully make at least a tiny difference.

I used to recommend Lemmy very strongly, thought the people who develop it were nice folks interested in making the world better too.

However, recent discussions with the developers has changed my mind completely.

I am very suspicious about their motivations now.


(que Lemmy est choupi, au passage)
It's hilarious because he even has a mustache 🤣
it is wednesday, my dudes 🐸
Mais que boit Lemmy ? :shibalaugh:
@Petit_Lutin a Reddit cocktail 😉

Je pensais que le T c'était pour Tears of /u/spez mais Tea ça va aussi
🤣 👍

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
> Durian
Ooh, living dangerously. 😄
still, what a week huh
it’s only Wednesday…sigh
KBin needs a cute mascot =(
je découvre par le biais de l'image alt que c'est la merde chez Reddit ? Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe ?
@Deuchnord Une page sur le Wikipedia (en) documente bien l'affaire: Bref, grosse crise entre Reddit, les modos et la communeauté.

The owner/developer of Lemmy might have defended genocide and homobobia. Go to the link for the post and then follow the links in the comments

Lemmy is amazing!
Haha, I like that you've done this piece before with Pepper 😂👍🏻 Very good 😃
this is me on Mondays