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Hello !Friendica Support
Is there a way, since with a "news site" account, the followers are not automatically accepted.
A news site, so to speak, in which an RSS feed is mirrored, but this is only made accessible to a certain group of people for copyright reasons.

Because I'm not sure how it behaves legally when you publish RSS feeds in Fediverse. Especially with large portals and newspapers.

#account #rssfeed #accessable
@utzer ~Friendica~
this is equal - the problem is that i don't want to get an Abmahnung.
You mean - a normal account who will mirror the rssfeed. So that others can follow him when it is allowed
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
@Hypolite Petovan@7homas โ™“ ah, my bad, I meant default non public posts. You're right, but now that you wrote this, I am not sure if the setting is taken into account for feed posts.
@Hypolite Petovan
That's a good question.
However, I'm not sure how it is in Europe with the distribution of rss feeds, which are publicly available, but only on the content creator's site.

A warning has already been sent here by a lawyer for many reasons.
@utzer ~Friendica~
I meant the distribution of public RSS feeds - which can also be integrated into the browser or your own feed reader.
In this case, you would do something similar, but you then make it available to others.
@Hypolite Petovan
@utzer ~Friendica~
short in mother language.
Was meinst du mit welche Anwalt hat hier etwas gesendet?
Ich wollte einfach irgendwelchen Abmahnungen aus dem Weg gehen, wenn ich so einen RSS Feed teile, da ich mir nicht sicher bin ob dies rechtlich zulรคssig ist.

@Hypolite Petovan
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
@utzer ~Friendica~
das bedeutet ja nicht das es so etwas nicht gibt. Gibt ja wegen jeden "Schrott" Abmahnungen. Sei es ein falsches Impressum oder man speichert Daten wie die deiner Kamera auf deinem eigenen Grundstรผck.
@Hypolite Petovan