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Love to switch between sleep-threatening obsessional phases to apathetic boredom phases while I'm waiting on stuff (replies, packages, builds) with little to no in-between. #ADHD
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
That's where I am. Keeping it between the lines. Started my therapy session with "I'm somewhere between a big step in #adhd progress and completely fucking melting down."Sort of like an acid trip that just keeps better and better but you are worried you are about to crash so you cool your heels and don't experience it because of rejection sensitivity dysphoria
@⁰FisherTX14 At this point I think I have given up on getting better myself, so instead I focus on the impact it can have on people around me. I’m not always successful, sometimes the obsession or the apathy just win, but I like to think I am making somewhat of a difference instead of letting myself be completely controlled.