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I'm always trying to do my best to encourage young people and women to ride motorcycles, I'm not interested in sleeping with them and that does not factor into my support for them. They are a VERY large part of our future if we want #motorcycles in the west to survive

In Asia everyone rides, they are the ultimate proletariat machine. In the west it seems to be the domain of fat old dudes (average age being 39) on huge tour bikes eating bacon rolls.
@Valheru Rides

53 here, and I've ridden bicycles and motorcycles all my life.

I'm with you. I love seeing a lady riding a bicycle or a motorcycle. It's a rare event even though, recently, there seems to be a new wave of young lady riders around town.
I think with the introduction of better marketed motorcycles in smaller capacity, the uptake might increase. Not a comment about their ability, but old dudes on big bikes can be off putting. Some really rapid bikes out there without buying a German tank. Also for some men and women (myself included) some huge capacity bikes can be off putting as hell.
@Valheru Rides

Yes, you're right. I think these two will be wonderful choices for people who prefer a lighter and less powerful bike.
@Valheru Rides

My Bonnie T120, for example, although it's a 1200cc machine, is very mild and calm, too. 😀 It's a bit heavy, though...
I like how they look but really wouldn't want one 😥
Weight, distribution of it too. I like low down.
@Valheru Rides

Yes, I see. It's a different kind of animal in that regard. 😉
Beautiful bike though!
@Valheru Rides

Thank you! I agree. 😉 I've been in love with British bikes since I was a child. Triumph rebirth was THE motorcycle happening of my life. Bonnies mean all that to me!
@Valheru Rides

It's been a pleasure also to see other classic brands coming back to life again, and watch the growth of #RoyalEnfield too!

#BroughSuperior is another example, as well as #Norton (which as always been around), #BSA, etc. And there are several other nice brands...

Those are all classic brands that are trying to keep the original spirit of #motorcycling alive! I love that!

It was very sad when there were only the Japanese brands alive dictating the rules in the global #motorcycle market + #Harley-Davidson and #BMW.
Totally this, the proliferation of identical Japanese bikes (who all mostly look the same) in recent years certainly has been rather depressing. I'm happy that original looking bikes are back on the roads, regardless of where they come from.