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test answer with the same text as the direct answer to @DaveDiamond's comment. In this case as an answer to the original post to see how this behaves on the diaspora side of the fediverse.

thx @ dldnh @ !

added to the image as alt text by editing and simply copy/pasting.
this is a #friendica acount so it's time to check how this looks like on #mastodon. 🤔

this post appears on #diaspora* too so with some work your #alt4you will show up over there, example (magnetlink):

#fediVerse #fediHelp #fediTips #alt4me

Black and white image in carbon drawn style of the standard Bauhelm tumbsup

> this is a #friendica acount so it's time to check how this looks like on #mastodon. 🤔

The edited alt text of the original post looks "perfect" here on mastodon.


Not so much here on friendica, looks like the altText contains the html editing commands.
Screen of the desktop display of the posted image with the hoover over text displayed. The  html commands like line breaks are visible.