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I do wonder what their reasoning is. That is just one of his crimes.
"Reasoning" is the wrong word to use with Trump supporters. Theirs is pure, unadulterated emotion. Specifically, rage and messianic adoration. Their minds are what you get if you start with a human mind and take the human out of it.
A cult works that way. I am waiting for him to do a Jim Jones and tell them to take cyanide and go to paradise.

some context or possible path to a - more democratic/proportional future

Yes, I’ve kind of given up hope of that @Alex Feldstein
He told them to drink bleach to cure Covid and quite a few of them did it. There's still hope.
“Reasoning” is the wrong word to use with Trump supporters


GQP Crazies

I am waiting for him to do a Jim Jones

Not that he wouldn't, in an eye-blink, if they stopped loving/paying/believing him.

Die for Me

Ironically, he and - especially - the #DeathSantis variant actually did an effective job of significantly thinning their voter ranks by wholesale killing their base with #TrumpVirus (preventing info, treatment, prevention, etc.)

He told them to drink bleach to cure Covid and quite a few of them did it. There’s still hope.

Yes. But those still pledging allegiance to Dark Lord #TrumpVirus are so dug in, with so much reinforcement of their anti-#truth #media bubbles... they keep "doubling down" on the insane alternative to reality, in the 'cognitive dissonance' arena.

I guess it is too much to ask for sanity in the U.S.
Having a sane, "together" leader helps. E.g., Angela Merkel or Barack Obama. Imagine a woman and a Black man leading where others have failed? /s