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@Friendica Support I want to delete a post which was accidentially saved to a folder. How to do it? Only thing I see is a pop-up saying that I will be deleting the post, but no button or anything else to be clicked. See screenshots: #1 Firefox on Android, #2 Firefox on Windows.

TIA well, yes, looks like. But is any workaround available, for instance an sql script for admins to run to help an user get rid of this post in his folder?
I don't know . I have only reported some issues and never developed something for friendica. If you saved it into a folder. can you not 'unsave' it from teh folder and then delete it on the standard profile page? Or maybe click the 'time' below the username so that only the post opens . Maybe you can delet the post there? If i understand correctly
@ITMC GmbH To remove a post from its saved folder, you need to open its conversation page. Meaning from the Saved Folder search, you have to tap/click “View in context” or the equivalent in German (probably “Im Zusammenhang betrachten”). In this context the Saved Folder name will appear as a label below the post body, alongside a cross icon. Tap/click the cross icon to remove the post from the Saved Folder.

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@Hypolite Petovan Thanks a lot. Told the user and it worked. But this process isn't very intuitiv, isn't it? Suggestion: Clarify, what "View in context" means. I.e.: "For any action on this post view it context." with "view it in context being the link as it is right now.
I think you can also click the time. ("posted 2 days ago") then you get the display page. (like a 'single post view') there you should be able to delete, too
@Hypolite Petovan But, I think, the main problem is the selection box. Why is it there, if it isn't enabling any action at this place on this post? 😉
@ITMC GmbH I have now removed it and fixed the display of search items in frio, see

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I think when you save a post into a folder, you will have some 'badge' (here it is red) with the folder name on it and a small "x". When you click that, maybe the post will leave the folder? I'm not sure. Yes but the label doesn’t appear when listing all the posts in the folder because it is the search view.
Yes, I should have simply looked at the screenshot above... there I can see it: "Im Zusammenhang betrachten"... I thought, maybe he is on the "marked posts" page or the "tags page" . (I was not sure..)